Patient and Practitioner Testimonials
Patient Testimonials: patients share how Cliovana has enhanced their sexual response.

The Cliovana treatment was way more simple than I anticipated!

Why Wendy loves Cliovana
Learn how Cliovana can help rejuvenate your sex life.
Practitioner Testimonials

Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith
Quick, easy, and with a world of satisfaction awaiting you as a result, it’s something we’re proud.

Dr Webb and Dr Bartels discuss the benefits of Cliovana.

Dr Garza discussing the life changing protocol.

The Doctors
Watch Emmy nominated host Dr. Andrew Ordon discuss Cliovana with Dr. Christopher Asandra on this segment of the award-winning syndicated talk show The Doctors.
Dr. Assandra demonstrates the procedure on his patient Gabrielle, who shares that for her, sensitivity became more heightened after every treatment.

Dr Kardos on the benefits of the Cliovana protocol.
Contact a Practitioner
Interested in finding out if Cliovana is right for you? Let us put you in touch with a certified Cliovana Practitioner.